Students participate in Quantinuum Quantum Hackathon at ICTP Trieste, Italy

The Stellenbosch University students, Dean Brand, Abbas (Omid) Hassasfar, Matt Lourens, Amy Rouillard, Donovan Slabbert, and Gerhard Woithe, recently attended the ICTP – Quantinuum Quantum Hackathon held at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) in Trieste, Italy. This event brought together 90 students from 23 different countries, with the aim of collaborating and creating novel solutions to real-world problems using quantum computing. The event was co-organized by ICTP and Quantinuum, a quantum computing company behind the open-source software TKET.

The first four days of the workshop comprised lectures and tutorials given by various experts on quantum computing, quantum error correction, quantum chemistry, and one of the highlights, ZX-calculus. During the final two days, participants were tasked with working in teams to create solutions for 18 projects supplied by Quantinuum and industry partners such as Merck, Eni, and BMW, covering areas such as chemistry, natural language processing, and error correction. We are proud to report that Abbas (Omid) Hassasfar and his team won second prize for their project titled “Quantum Krylov Method” which was related to the application of quantum computing for quantum chemistry. Event wraps up with a prize-giving.

The experience was incredibly enriching and inspiring, providing the students with an opportunity to collaborate with other experts in the field, learn about the latest developments in quantum computing, and work on projects with real-world impact. They also formed lasting connections with other participants and enjoyed exploring the beautiful city of Trieste. The students express their gratitude to NiTheCS and ICTP for providing them with this opportunity and look forward to attending similar events in the future.

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Cosmic Conversations talk by Amy Rouillard on ZX-calculus

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ICTP – Quantinuum Quantum Hackathon

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Gerhard Woithe talk on DQFT

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Seminar/Webinar: Marco Merkli, Title TBC

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Quantum Colloquium: Emma King, Universal cooling dynamics toward a quantum critical point

Title of talk: Universal cooling dynamics toward a quantum critical point

Speaker: Emma King (present affiliation: University of Saarland, Saarbrücken, Germany; the work I will present was done at Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa).

Curiosity surrounding concepts such as critical phenomena, scaling laws and universality in out-of-equilibrium settings has inspired vibrant research in the field of nonequilibrium many-body systems. While experimental advances continue to pave the way for probing the dynamics of such systems, we aim to complement these developments by analysing the imprint of equilibrium phase transitions on a system’s nonequilibrium dynamics. In this talk we will focus on one aspect of this, in particular the loss of adiabaticity when cooling a many-body quantum system from an initial thermal state toward a quantum critical point. The excitation density, which quantifies the degree of adiabaticity of the dynamics, is found to obey scaling laws governed by the critical exponents of the quantum phase transition (QPT). As an example, we will demonstrate the scaling of the excitation density for a Kitaev quantum wire coupled to Markovian baths, a “minimal model” that can be solved analytically. Interestingly, we will show that quantum critical properties can be probed dynamically at finite temperature, without even varying the control parameter of the QPT. In closing, we will mention some interesting future research directions.

References: (1) Emma C. King, Johannes N. Kriel, and Michael Kastner, Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 050401,; (2) Emma C. King, Johannes N. Kriel, and Michael Kastner, arXiv:2204.07595,

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Quantum Colloquium: Dario Rosa, Moving Towards Quantum Technologies: The Case of Quantum Batteries

Prof Dario Rosa (Institute for Basic Science; University of Science & Technology, South Korea)

Moving Towards Quantum Technologies: The Case of Quantum Batteries


Quantum batteries are quantum mechanical systems used as energy storage devices. As with many other proposed quantum devices, ranging from quantum computers to quantum communication systems, they are believed to offer significant advantages over their classical counterparts.

In this talk, I will first provide an overview of a few tasks where quantum resources can be successfully applied. I will then focus on the recent progress, both at the theoretical and experimental level, in proving and understanding the sources of charging speedup that quantum batteries can have over classical batteries.

These signs of progress are at the core of the newly introduced notion of quantum charging advantage.


I am a mathematical physicist currently working as Team Leader at the Institute for Basic Science (IBS) and Associate Professor at the University of Science and Technology (UST), in Daejeon, South Korea.

After receiving my PhD in 2014 from the University of Milano-Bicocca, I moved to Korea as a Research Fellow in Seoul National University (SNU), Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS) and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST).

Originally conducting research in string theory and quantum gravity, my research interests today focus on quantum many-body systems, quantum chaos and quantum technologies. Currently, the main theme of my research is to understand how quantum chaos (or its absence) affects the physics of quantum many-body systems and to apply this knowledge to develop new quantum technologies.

The announcement of the talk can be downloaded from here.

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Webinar: Amira Abbas, The feasibility of quantum backpropagation


The success of modern deep learning hinges on the ability to train neural networks at scale. Through clever reuse of intermediate information, backpropagation facilitates training through gradient computation at a total cost roughly proportional to running the function, rather than incurring an additional factor proportional to the number of parameters – which can now be in the trillions. This motivates interest in determining whether parameterized quantum models, such as those used in variational algorithms, can too, train as efficiently with gradient-based methods.
In this talk, I will discuss why this task is difficult in a quantum setting, where all known gradient methods fail to achieve backpropagation-scaling, unless special case models are considered. Unfortunately, in general, reusing information (similar to how classical backpropagation works) will not succeed either and we demonstrate this failure through connections to gentle measurement. These no-go results could dramatically change the landscape for quantum machine learning models, as they highlight additional difficulties that variational approaches will face at scale, unless alternative optimization methods or quantum models are found.
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Quantum computing? How about kwantumberekening?

Last week, Gerhard Woithe, who just joined the Group as an MSc student, started a project to translate the Wikipedia page for “Quantum computing” to Afrikaans. The page (still in progress) can be found at

In the process of doing so, we have, however, found that in many cases, there are no existing Afrikaans terms for the (in many cases, relatively recent) jargon involved in the field of quantum computing. The first and most obvious untranslated term that jumped out at us was the term “qubit”, which, as everyone knows, is a portmanteau of the words “quantum” and “bit”. Well, the obvious analogue in Afrikaans is to chop and glue together the equivalent words “kwantum” and “bis”, to form the neologism “kwabis”, and so this is exactly what we did.

Stellenbosch University’s Department of Physics is essentially right across the road from the main offices of the Woordebook van die Afrikaanse Taal (WAT), and so after a few emails and with the keen assistance of the people at the WAT, the term “kwabis” has now been added as a lemma to the online version of the dictionary, subject to official approval.

It was brought to our attention by Alet Cloete at the WAT that the word had actually been used at least once before in the current sense in a 2005 review article published in the “Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie” (see We think that the fact that the term “kwabis” has now been independently invented at least twice is an indication that it is the right word for the job.

Interestingly, the first documented use of the word itself is amazingly obscure – in a 1990 “poskantoorwoordeboek”, a post office dictionary, this term is given as the Afrikaans translation of the term “nibble” (see

This translation effort is an ongoing project, and as we move on to more articles and as new untranslated terms come up, we will be keeping in close contact with the people of the WAT in order to have them added to the dictionary! Interest in creating and maintaining scientific terminology in Afrikaans has dwindled over the past few years. So we hope to, via this project, play at least a small part in stimulating interest in the (multilingual) lexicography of quantum computing. Additionally, we hope that this project perhaps inspires more people to be creative with language and translate technical articles into their home languages, thereby making specialised fields more easily accessible to people all over the world.

Please contact us if you are interested in making a contribution or if you have any suggestions for us.


The “kwabis”entry in the Woordebook van die Afrikaanse Taal (WAT).

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Four new preprints

What a day: 4 preprints in the arXiv!

Congratulations to Shivani Pillay, Ian David, Rowan Pellow-Jarman and Shane McFarthing for submitting their first preprints to the arXiv:

Hybrid Genetic Optimisation for Quantum Feature Map Design R Pellow-Jarman, A Pillay, I Sinayskiy, F Petruccione

Digital Simulation of Single Qubit Markovian Open Quantum Systems: A Tutorial , IJ David, I Sinayskiy, F Petruccione

A Multi-Class SWAP-Test Classifier, SM Pillay, I Sinayskiy, E Jembere, F Petruccione

Classical Ensembles of Single-Qubit Quantum Variational Circuits for Classification, S McFarthing, A Pillay, I Sinayskiy, F Petruccione



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