Quantum@SUN group meeting
Stellenbosch University, Physics Department School of Data Science and Computational Thinking, StellenboschQuantum@SUN group meeting
Stellenbosch University, Physics Department School of Data Science and Computational Thinking, StellenboschSeminar: Prof Vincenzo Savona, Solving discrete optimization problems with a variational quantum-inspired algorithm
Stellenbosch University, Physics Department School of Data Science and Computational Thinking, StellenboschTitle of talk: Solving discrete optimization problems with a variational quantum-inspired algorithm Speaker: Professor Vincenzo Savona (Center for Quantum Science and Engineering, EPFL, Switzerland) Abstract: Since the 1980s, quantum mechanics has undergone a remarkable transition from solely a theoretical framework … Continue reading
Quantum@SUN Webinar: Solving discrete optimisation problems with a variational quantum-inspired algorithm
Title: Quantum@SUN Webinar: Solving discrete optimisation problems with a variational quantum-inspired algorithm Speaker: Prof Vincenzo Savona (Center for Quantum Science and Engineering, EPFL, Switzerland) Abstract: Since the 1980s, quantum mechanics has undergone a remarkable transition from solely a theoretical framework … Continue reading
NITheCS Micro-School: Matplotlib Introduction – Don’t Lose the Plot
Title: NITheCS Micro-School: Matplotlib Introduction - Don't Lose the Plot Speaker: Donovan Slabbert (Stellenbosch University) Abstract: A multitude of tools and technologies are available for creating informative plots in data analysis, including various programming languages, libraries, and software packages. This … Continue reading
Seminar: Dr Linnéa Gyllingberg, Mathematical models of basal cognition
Stellenbosch University, Physics Department School of Data Science and Computational Thinking, StellenboschTitle of talk: Mathematical models of basal cognition Speaker: Dr Linnéa Gyllingberg (Uppsala University, Sweden) Abstract: Building mathematical models of brains is difficult because of the sheer complexity of the problem. One potential approach is to start by identifying models of basal … Continue reading
NITheCS Micro-School: Introduction to Visual Studio Code – Your Coding Playground
Title: NITheCS Micro-School: Introduction to Visual Studio Code Your Coding Playground Speaker: Dean Brand (Stellenbosch University) Abstract: Scientific programming is an invaluable tool, however a tool is only as good as its workbench. When creating your next piece of software, … Continue reading
NITheCS Colloquium: Charting the Future of NITheCS: Progress and Prospects in Research, Training, Engagement, and Africa
Title: NITheCS Colloquium: Charting the Future of NITheCS: Progress and Prospects in Research, Training, Engagement, and Africa Speaker: Prof Francesco Petruccione (NITheCS and Stellenbosch University) Abstract: As the newly appointed Director of the National Institute for Theoretical and Computational Sciences … Continue reading
NITheCS Micro-School: Introduction to NumPy – Powering Your Data with Efficient Array Operations
Title: NITheCS Micro-School: Introduction to NumPy - Powering Your Data with Efficient Array Operations Speaker: Abbas (Omid) Hassasfar (Stellenbosch University) Abstract: In the realm of scientific computing and data analysis, having a powerful and efficient tool for numerical operations is … Continue reading
NITheCS MINI-SCHOOL: An Introduction to the Quantum Simulation of Closed and Open Quantum Systems
Title: NITheCS MINI-SCHOOL: An Introduction to the Quantum Simulation of Closed and Open Quantum Systems Speaker: Ian Joel David University of KwaZulu-Natal Abstract: Quantum Simulation, the emulation of quantum system dynamics with quantum computers, is an application of quantum computing … Continue reading