Seminar: Dr Linnéa Gyllingberg, Mathematical models of basal cognition

Stellenbosch University, Physics Department School of Data Science and Computational Thinking, Stellenbosch

Title of talk: Mathematical models of basal cognition Speaker: Dr Linnéa Gyllingberg (Uppsala University, Sweden) Abstract: Building mathematical models of brains is difficult because of the sheer complexity of the problem. One potential approach is to start by identifying models of basal cognition, which give an abstract representation of a range of organisms without central nervous systems, …

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NITheCS Colloquium: Charting the Future of NITheCS: Progress and Prospects in Research, Training, Engagement, and Africa

Title:  NITheCS Colloquium: Charting the Future of NITheCS: Progress and Prospects in Research, Training, Engagement, and Africa Speaker: Prof Francesco Petruccione (NITheCS and Stellenbosch University) Abstract: As the newly appointed Director of the National Institute for Theoretical and Computational Sciences (NITheCS), I am excited to present our strategic vision and achievements in the realms of …

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NITheCS Micro-School: Introduction to NumPy – Powering Your Data with Efficient Array Operations

Title:  NITheCS Micro-School: Introduction to NumPy - Powering Your Data with Efficient Array Operations Speaker: Abbas (Omid) Hassasfar (Stellenbosch University) Abstract: In the realm of scientific computing and data analysis, having a powerful and efficient tool for numerical operations is crucial. NumPy, a fundamental library for array processing in Python, provides this power and efficiency. …

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NITheCS MINI-SCHOOL: An Introduction to the Quantum Simulation of Closed and Open Quantum Systems

Title:  NITheCS MINI-SCHOOL: An Introduction to the Quantum Simulation of Closed and Open Quantum Systems Speaker: Ian Joel David University of KwaZulu-Natal Abstract: Quantum Simulation, the emulation of quantum system dynamics with quantum computers, is an application of quantum computing which showcases a clear advantage over classical computing. This advantage arises from the inherent difficulty …

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NITheCS Micro-School: The Power of Pandas – Introduction to the Pandas Library

Title:  NITheCS Micro-School: The Power of Pandas - Introduction to the Pandas Library Speaker: Pashlene Naidoo (Stellenbosch University) Abstract: Pandas is a powerful and flexible open-source data manipulation library for Python, designed to make data analysis fast and expressive. This micro-school will provide an introduction to the basics of Pandas,  highlighting its key features. Attendees …

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Quantum@SUN Webinar: Applications of topological algebras to quantum computing and information

Title:  Applications of topological algebras to quantum computing and information Speaker: Dr Martin Weigt (Nelson Mandela University) Abstract: A well-known mathematical tool that is applied to quantum computing and information is operator space theory. To be brief, completely positive linear mappings between operator spaces serve as quantum channels. Observables in a quantum system can be …

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NITheCS Colloquium: The role of intermolecular interactions in chemical processes and materials science

Title:  NITheCS Colloquium: The role of intermolecular interactions in chemical processes and materials science Speaker: Prof Catharine Esterhuysen (Stellenbosch University) Abstract: The most challenging aspect in understanding the properties of materials in the solid state is to identify the role that intermolecular interactions play in their behaviour. For instance, molecules ("guests") are taken up into …

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Quantum@SUN Seminar/Webinar: Dr Ryan Sweke (AIMS, SU), Should we use parameterized quantum circuits for machine learning?

Should we use parameterized quantum circuits for machine learning? Abstract: Recent years have seen an incredible interest in the use of parameterized quantum circuits (PQCs) for machine learning tasks. As of yet however, it remains unclear to what extent one can use PQC based algorithms to obtain a meaningful advantage over state-of-the-art classical methods. In …

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