Cosmic Conversations talk by Amy Rouillard on ZX-calculus
Weekly Quantum Group Webinar: Dr Ahsan Nazir, Quantum work statistics at strong reservoir coupling
ZoomTitle of talk: Quantum work statistics at strong reservoir coupling. Speaker: Dr Ahsan Nazir (University of Manchester, United Kingdom). Abstract: Calculating the stochastic work done on a quantum system while strongly coupled to a reservoir is a formidable task, requiring the calculation of the full eigenspectrum of the combined system and reservoir. In this talk …
SpinQ Desktop Quantum Computer for Education and Research
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Weekly Quantum Group Webinar: Alan Kahan, Structural crossovers in trapped ions dispersively coupled to optical cavities
ZoomTitle of talk: Structural crossovers in trapped ions dispersively coupled to optical cavities. Speaker: Alan Kahan. Abstract: We consider an optomechanical system composed of a trapped ion dispersively coupled to a single mode of a pumped optical cavity. We focus on a parameter range that exhibits bistability of different configurations in the semiclassical description. This …
Group meeting
At today's Group Meeting Chanelle will speak about Qunatum Logistic Regression. Her presentation will be based on the paper
QWorld: Entangling Workshop for QSouthAfrica
ZoomWe are pleased to announce the first QBronze Quantum Programming Workshop in the Republic of South Africa! Join us for the introductory workshop “Quantum Computing and Programming” and learn the basics of quantum computing and how to write simple quantum programs. Workshop Schedule: Day 1 | Monday, July 3 - 18:30 (CEST) Day 2 | …
Weekly Quantum Group Webinar: Dr Garry Kemp, A generalized dominance ordering for 1/2-BPS states
ZoomTitle of talk: A generalized dominance ordering for 1/2-BPS states. Speaker: Dr Garry Kemp. Abstract: I discuss a generalized dominance ordering for irreducible representations of the symmetric group $S_{n}$ with the aim of distinguishing the corresponding states in the 1/2-BPS sector of $U(N)$ Super Yang-Mills theory when a certain finite number of Casimir operators are …
Weekly Quantum Group Webinar: Dr Latévi M. Lawson, Path integral in position deformed Heisenberg algebra
ZoomTitle of talk: Path integral in position deformed Heisenberg algebra. Speaker: Dr Latévi M. Lawson. Abstract: The deformed Heisenberg algebra is one of the promising candidate approaches to probe quantum gravity at the Planck scale. It consists of deforming the ordinary Heisenberg algebra in momentum or in position operators. Recently, we proposed in , a …
Qiskit Global Summer School 2023
Weekly Quantum Group Webinar: Abhishek Agarwal, Modelling non-Markovian noise in driven superconducting qubits
ZoomTitle of talk: Modelling non-Markovian noise in driven superconducting qubits. Speaker: Abhishek Agarwal Abstract: Non-Markovian noise can be a significant source of errors in superconducting qubits. We develop gate sequences utilising mirrored pseudoidentities that allow us to characterise and model the effects of non-Markovian noise on both idle and driven qubits. We compare three approaches to modelling …
Quantum Seminar/Webinar: Rivan Rughubar (UCT): Approximating classical kernels on NISQ computers
Stellenbosch University, Physics Department School of Data Science and Computational Thinking, StellenboschRivan Rughubar (UCT) Approximating classical kernels on NISQ computers Abstract: The talk will aim to demonstrate how a kernel function can be approximated on a NISQ computer and to demonstrate the limitations of this method. Kernel methods are used throughout classical and quantum machine learning. Over the last few years there has also been much …