QWorld: Entangling Workshop for QSouthAfrica


We are pleased to announce the first QBronze Quantum Programming Workshop in the Republic of South Africa! Join us for the introductory workshop “Quantum Computing and Programming” and learn the basics of quantum computing and how to write simple quantum … Continue reading

Quantum Seminar/Webinar: Rivan Rughubar (UCT): Approximating classical kernels on NISQ computers

Stellenbosch University, Physics Department School of Data Science and Computational Thinking, Stellenbosch

Rivan Rughubar (UCT) Approximating classical kernels on NISQ computers Abstract: The talk will aim to demonstrate how a kernel function can be approximated on a NISQ computer and to demonstrate the limitations of this method. Kernel methods are used throughout … Continue reading

Webinar: Prof Nana Liu, Analog quantum simulation of partial differential equations

Stellenbosch University, Physics Department School of Data Science and Computational Thinking, Stellenbosch

Title of talk: Analog quantum simulation of partial differential equations Speaker: Prof Nana Liu (Institute of Natural Sciences, University of Michigan- Shanghai Jiao Tong University Joint Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University  and Visiting Scholar at University of Oxford) Abstract: Quantum … Continue reading

Seminar: Prof Nadja Bernardes, Approximating Invertible Maps by Recovery Channels: Optimality and an Analysis of Qudit Channels

Stellenbosch University, Physics Department School of Data Science and Computational Thinking, Stellenbosch

Title of talk: Approximating Invertible Maps by Recovery Channels: Optimality and an Analysis of Qudit Channels Speaker: Prof Nadja Bernardes (Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil) Abstract: We investigate the problem of reversing quantum dynamics, specifically via optimal Petz recovery maps. We focus … Continue reading

Quantum@SUN Unconference

Oude Werf Hotel, Stellenbosch Stellenbosch

The yearly Quantum@SUN Unconference will take place on 12 December 2023. You can find the program here

Quantum@SUN group meeting

Stellenbosch University, Physics Department School of Data Science and Computational Thinking, Stellenbosch

Quantum@SUN group meeting

Stellenbosch University, Physics Department School of Data Science and Computational Thinking, Stellenbosch