(English) Public Lecture at AIMS: Francesco Petruccione, Entanglement: from Theory to Quantum Computers
Entanglement: from theory to quantum computing Francesco Petruccione (Stellenbosch University and NITheCS) Abstract: The Nobel Prize in Physics 2022 was awarded to Alain Aspect, John Clauser and Anton Zeilinger for conducting groundbreaking experiments using entangled quantum states. In this lecture, we … Weiterlesen
(English) Weekly Quantum Group Webinar: Martin Canaan Mafunda, Comparison of machine learning algorithms for automated tweet identification system
ZoomComparison of machine learning algorithms for an automated tweet identification system Martin Canaan Mafunda (UKZN) Abstract: In this study, six machine learning algorithms are trained based on 3100 tweets with either pro-Zuma, anti-Zuma or neutral sentiments. The aim of the … Weiterlesen
(English) Quantum@SUN Unconfernce
Stellenbosch University, Physics Department School of Data Science and Computational Thinking, StellenboschThe Quantum Unconference brings to Stellenbosch some of my UKZN students. We will go through the drafts of their papers and their theses.
(English) Weekly Quantum Group Webinar: Matt Lourens, Hierarchical architecture representations for quantum convolutional neural networks
Stellenbosch University, Physics Department School of Data Science and Computational Thinking, StellenboschThe Quantum Convolutional Neural Network (QCNN) is a quantum circuit model inspired by the architecture of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). CNNs are successful because they do not need manual feature design and can learn high-level features from raw data. Neural … Weiterlesen
(English) Webinar: Amira Abbas, The feasibility of quantum backpropagation
Stellenbosch University, Physics Department School of Data Science and Computational Thinking, StellenboschAbstract: The success of modern deep learning hinges on the ability to train neural networks at scale. Through clever reuse of intermediate information, backpropagation facilitates training through gradient computation at a total cost roughly proportional to running the function, rather … Weiterlesen
(English) Quantum Colloquium: Dario Rosa, Moving Towards Quantum Technologies: The Case of Quantum Batteries
Stellenbosch University, Physics Department School of Data Science and Computational Thinking, StellenboschProf Dario Rosa (Institute for Basic Science; University of Science & Technology, South Korea) Moving Towards Quantum Technologies: The Case of Quantum Batteries ABSTRACT Quantum batteries are quantum mechanical systems used as energy storage devices. As with many other proposed … Weiterlesen
(English) Quantum Colloquium: Emma King, Universal cooling dynamics toward a quantum critical point
Stellenbosch University, Physics Department School of Data Science and Computational Thinking, StellenboschTitle of talk: Universal cooling dynamics toward a quantum critical point Speaker: Emma King (present affiliation: University of Saarland, Saarbrücken, Germany; the work I will present was done at Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa). Abstract: Curiosity surrounding concepts such as … Weiterlesen
(English) Seminar/Webinar: Marco Merkli, Title TBC
Stellenbosch University, Physics Department School of Data Science and Computational Thinking, Stellenbosch(English) Cosmic Conversations talk by Amy Rouillard on ZX-calculus